

At First Baptist we desire to provide a Biblical foundation of faith for children by sharing with them the truth of God’s love.  Our hope is that this foundation will lead to a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  We offer many opportunities for children to learn how to live out their faith in a safe and loving environment.  To serve our children, a background check is required.


Sunday School meets at 9:30am every Sunday morning in the Children's Worship Room located upstairs. Be sure to check your child in using the iPad located right by the entrance! We offer age-specific Sunday School classes for every child! We look forward to seeing you soon!


On Wednesday nights at 6pm, your child will have the opportunity to worship the Lord through "Music and Missions" in a safe, caring environment! Your child will have a blast as we play games, sing exciting worship songs, and learn about mission work all around the world (and getting to participate in some of their own mission work as well)!

Parents, there are some opportunities for you to engage in worship as well on Wednesdays! Please use this link to see your options for worship while your child enjoys a fun-filled time of worship!

Please email questions to  .